Designs |
General: Indicate water depth in meters
and feet, using
permanent materials, at pools and spas
Pool Mechanical Operation
• Safety Features: Design and construct pool details,
drains and equipment to prohibit hazards from tripping,
slipping, or trapping clothes, hair or people. •
Pumps: Provide pumping capacity for full operation in
case of failure of one pump. Provide isolation valves
on pumps and filters. • Suction and circulation
devices shall prohibit trapping and injury to people.
Provide recirculation pumps and whirl pool pumps with
a minimum of two floor intakes placed at least 1.2 m
(4 ft.) apart. • Include recirculation, filtration,
chlorination and pumping system to maintain water in
a clear, sanitary condition with a minimum amount of
maintenance. • Provide electric timers to
control the operating hours of pumps and equipment.
• Filtration: Provide a separate system for each
pool or whirl pool. • Filter: Provide sand
filters with automatic backwash. Provide a minimum system
filter flow rate of one water turnover in 6 hours for
pools and in 30 minutes for whirl pools. •
Treatment: Provide bromine or ionization treatment.
Avoid use of chlorine gas. • Chemical Treatment:
Automatic, adjustable injection system with test kit.
• Heater: Natural gas type required for whirl
pool. Heating required for swimming pool(s) unless outdoor
climate maintains water above design temperature.
• Design Temperatures: Provide the following constant
+ Pools: 29o C (85o F)
+ Whirl pool: 40o C (104o F).
+ Temperature Rise: 0.25o C (0.5o F) per hour. •
Signage: See <16B> for applicable signage |
Swimming / Whirl Pool Equipment
Room: • Locate Pool Equipment rooms away from
meeting rooms and other public spaces. • Locate
close as feasible to pool and whirl pool. •
Provide a sump or other positive drainage. •
Storage / Maintenance: Provide storage space for
maintenance supplies and equipment. Avoid moving pool
equipment and water treatment materials through public
spaces. • Eye Wash Station: Connect to water
system. <15B> • Floor: Concrete, stained
and sealed. • Wall / Ceiling: Provide water-resistant
materials and
painted finish |
Swimming / Whirl Pool Equipment:
Deck Equipment: Include the following: • Grab
Rails • Stair Hand Rails • Life
Guard chair (if required by Code) • Rope and
Float Depth Divider • Deck Mounted Stair Rails
• Portable accessibility lift (each pool)
• Deck Anchors • Escutcheon Plates
Maintenance Equipment: Include the following: •
Pool Cleaning System • Curved Wall Brush
• Deck Swab • Utility Pole •
Algae Brush • Brush Stabilizer •
Pole Adapter • Magnesium Anodes (cathodic
Safety Equipment: Include the following: •
Life Buoy • Life Hook • Life Hook
Pole Adapter • Life Hook Pole •
Back Board • Throw Line • Breathing
Apparatus • First Aid Kit |
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