Kitchen Areas
Set the temperature for your hot water at the lowest practical
setting for dish and clothes washing.
Only operate these appliances with full loads.
Buy your food and cleaning supplies in bulk and eliminate
as much packaging from these purchases as possible.
Reduce dining room waste by eliminating the source. For
example, serve cream from a pitcher, sugar from a sugar
holder and condiments from reusable containers.
Serve soft drinks from a dispenser rather than individual
cans. Use cloth napkins and reusable flatware.
Mulch your food scraps and donate the mulch to local farmers
or garden clubs.
Serve meals on one large plate rather than using several smaller
ones. Donate retired dishware, utensils and glasses to charities.
Substitute biodegradable and less toxic cleaning products
for hazardous cleaning chemicals. Minimize the use of bleaches,
chemical pesticides and other detergents and chemicals.
Train your staff in the proper storage, use and safe disposal
of these hazardous substances to avoid risks to both staff
and the environment
. For an environmentally friendly alternative to floor
wax, try using 1 cup of white vinegar mixed with 2 gallons
of water to mop linoleum or no-wax floors. |