5 * Hotel Commercial Kitchen General
Standarts 7 |
7. Refrigeration System: Use indoor water cooled units.
8. Walk-in Unit Operating Temperatures: Provide for the
following storage functions (may be dependent on local practice
for food separation):
• Produce: ................................................+2'
C (+35'F)
• Meat (with secure cage shelving): .........+2' C
(+35' F)
• Dairy: .....................................................+2'
C (+35' F)
• Holding / finishing: .................................+2'
C (+35'F)
• Freezer: ................................................-23'
C (-10' F)
• Beverage (with secure cage shelving):..+2' C (+35'
• Chef box, located in kitchen space: .......+2'C
(+35' F)
9. Lighting: Provide minimum 100 Watt light per 5 m2, additional
lights as needed and 3-way light switches for units with
multiple entrances. Fluorescent lighting may also be used.
O. Dry Storage
1. Program: Provide dedicated room to house nonrefrigerated
food products. Size facilities according to the following:
• Market study.
• Geographic location.
• Delivery schedules.
• Availability of products.
2. Location: Provide in secure area adjacent to refrigerated
storage and storeroom office. Shares common entrance vestibule
with other storage facilities.
3. Equipment: Provide and accommodate the following:
• Dry storage shelf units composed of 5-tiers of stainless
steel or plated chrome wire shelves.
• Dunnage racks.
• Pallet storage space or racks.
4. Entrance Door: 1.07 m (3’-6”) wide minimum.
Provide for cart and pallet accessibility. Secure door with
magnetic encoded card electronic operated lock with audit
record and door contact alarm
5. Air-conditioning: Provide system to maintain temperature
between 21 to 24 C (70 to 75 F) and a maximum 50%
relative humidity.
6. Finishes – Dry Storage:
• Floor: Tile pavers preferred or concrete, sealed
• Base: Same as walls
• Walls: Concrete masonry, epoxy painted
• Ceiling: Accessible acoustical tile on corrosion
resistant grid and support |
P. Non-Food Storage
1. Program: Provide separate, dedicated area to house the
following non-food products: • Paper products.
• Disposable wares. • Banquet / catering
equipment. • China and silver. • Clean
linen. • Chemical and janitorial supplies.
2. Equipment: Provide shelf units with 5-tiers of flat surface
shelving. Include lockable security cage shelving for silver
storage as needed.
3. Finishes – Non-Food Storage: • Floor:
Concrete, sealed. • Base: Same as walls. •
Walls: Epoxy paint. • Ceiling: Accessible acoustical
tile on corrosion resistant grid and supports. |
1. Program: Provide dedicated, secure area to store liquor,
beer and wine with interior shelving and one entry door.
2. Door: Secure with magnetic encoded card electronic operated
lock with audit record and door, contact alarm
3. Wire / Cage Storage Shelving: Noncorrosive material such
as stainless steel wire or polypropylene protected wire
meeting NSF material and fabrication requirements. Provide
lockable security cages, bottle storage and shelving.
4. Dry / Ambient Storage: Provide shelving and storage units
fabricated to requirements noted above and the following:
• Security Shelving: Cage type of stainless steel
for flat / horizontal shelving.
• Dunnage Racks: Sealed.
• Desk and chair (if remote from other storage areas).
Refrigerated Storage (wine/beer): See
walk-in refrigeration in this Module. Fabricate shelving
and storage units to requirements noted above.
• Wine Bottle Storage: Security cage type shelving
to accommodate bottles horizontally.
• Bottle Storage: Security cage bottle shelving.
• Security Shelving: Horizontal, flat, security type
cage shelving.
• Sealed dunnage racks.
• Keg storage racks.
• Beer dispensing system.
Design Temperatures: Maintain the following
design beverage temperatures.
• Beer (bottle): .....5.5' C (42' F)
• Beer (draft):.......3.3'C (38' F)
• White Wine: ......5.5'C (42' F)
• Red Wine: .........13.0' C (55' F)
• General Liquor: 21.0'C (70' F) (ambient temperature)
Continue |
* Hotel Commercial Kitchen Mechanical Standarts |
of the kitchen |
,the products |
resources |
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