Glossary of Terms
ABS – Abbreviation for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-
Styrene pipe. Plastic pipe installed usually for
drain, waste, vent and sewage. |
AWG – Abbreviation for American Wire Gauge
used in combination with a number to identify a
particular size wire. |
Annular Space - is the distance between the
penetrating item and the periphery
of the opening or the distance between multiple
penetrations. |
Backer Rod - A round polyurethane or
polyethylene foam material installed to support
and provides correct depth of caulk or sealant
material. |
ANSI – Abbreviation for American National
Standards Institute. |
Calcination / Calcined - To heat to a high
temperature but without fusing in order to drive
off volatile matter or to affect changes (as
oxidation). |
ASTM – Abbreviation for American Society for
Testing and Materials. |
Ceramic Fiber - High temperature man made
fiber (45% alumina, 53% silica) used as
insulating material where high service
temperatures are required. Design service use
2300 deg. F (1260 deg. C) melting 3200 deg. F
(1760 deg. C) available in 4, 6 and 8 pcf density
batts/blankets. Some times used instead of
mineral wool for 3 and 4-hour systems. |
ASTM E-814 – “Standard Method of Fire Tests
of Though Penetration Firestops”. |
Closed System -usually refers to a piping
system for water distribution when the pipe is
full, under pressure and closed at pipe
termination. In some jurisdictions electrical
conduit is considered closed. |
ASTM E-84 – “Standard Method for Surface
Burning Characteristics pf Building Materials”. |
Collars (Pipe Collars) -A one-piece
prefabricated device consisting of
intumescent strips and a restricting metal
collar. Used on plastic pipes to direct the
intumescent expansion. |
CMU – Abbreviation for Concrete Masonry Unit
(i.e. a hollow concrete block). |
DWV – Abbreviation for Drain, Waste and Vent
pipe. Also referred to as an open system. The
pipe is empty, not pressurized. |
Concentric - Centered, the penetration will be
positioned in the center of the opening. |
Eccentric - Offset or off center, the penetration
will not be centered in the opening. |
Control Joint - A device or design feature that
provides a continuous transition in linear
openings within a fire-resistive structure and that
does not exceed a maximum joint width of 5/8”
(16mm). A control joint system consists of the
device or designed construction feature but does
not include the fire resistive structure in which it
is installed.** |
Elastomeric material - Rubbery type of material
that when stretched directionally will elongate.
When the pressure is released will go back to its
original shape, size and not lose its properties or
characteristics. (like an elastic band) |
CPVC Pipe – Abbreviation for Chlorinated
Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe, a high performance
plastic pipe used for hot and cold-water
distribution. CPVC pipe is commonly used for
sprinkler pipe. |
EMT – Abbreviation for Electrical Metal Tubing;
conduit. Thin wall galvanized steel pipe,
containing electric cables and wires. |
Curtain Wall – a rated or non-rated, non-load
bearing exterior wall assembly secured to and
supported by the structural members of the
building. |
Endothermic - Pertaining to or produced from
the absorption of heat. A change that takes
place with absorption of heat and requires high
temperature for initiation and maintenance. |