Typical Sprinkler Protection
for Hotel Guest Rooms Figure shows
typical hotel guestrrom.From entrance lobby there is access
to the sleeping room and bath room.Generallay clotghes closet
is located in the guest entrance vestibule.
• Sleeping/living :You must use extendend coverage
,quick response sidewall type sprinkler.
• Guestroom Bathrooms: Sprinklers are not required
if bathroom is less than 5.10 m2 (55 sq. ft.). (NFPA 13.)Regardless
of bathroom area, sprinklers are required when combustible
tubs or shower or tub surrounds (plastic / fiberglass) enclosures
are used. These means If you have a bathroom with floor
area more than 5.1 m2 you must provide sprinklers in bathroom.
• Closets and Pantries: Sprinklers are not required
in clothes closets, linen closets and pantries within hotel
guestrooms where the area of the space does not exceed 2.2
m2 (24 sq. ft.). Closets and pantries with washer, dryer,
water heater, mechanical or electrical equipment require

Not:Guestroom sidewall sprinklers distance to ceiling subject
to sprinkler listing.You must use particular sprinkler manufacturer
design criteria.
can select your sprinkler type from here
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